U.S. Tobacco Cooperative provides superior quality cut rag processed to customer specifications in our modern facility located in the heart of the largest flue-cured tobacco region in the U.S. in Timberlake, NC.
Our Master Blender selects only the appropriate quality tobaccos to ensure we meet our valued clients’ most stringent requirements. He has many years of experience, working in various international markets with tobacco of all varieties and types known in the modern tobacco world.
Our tobacco procurement team works closely with our blending team to ensure all tobaccos are sourced at good value and meet all taste profile requirements. All our blends contain domestically and internationally sourced tobaccos that have been produced in the most compliant and sustainable manner.

USTC has the capability to supply any custom or match blend in a timely manner. We also offer the following house portfolio of blends:
- American Blend (Flue-Cured Virginia / Burley / Oriental)
- English/Virginia Blends (100% U.S. Flue-Cured / Virginia)
- All blends are available in multiple cut widths

We also offer cutting services to customers that have their own supply of tobacco. This service provides customer specified or standard cut widths for the following products:
- Cigarettes
- Roll Your Own (RYO)
- Pipe Cut
We welcome clients to visit our processing facility and meet personally with our Blending and Primary Team.
USTC is your single source for any cut rag or cigarette blends.
USTC markets an array of Class A quality cigarettes in the United States under numerous brands that satisfy the taste profiles of our loyal adult consumers who enjoy a rich tobacco flavor. Our Virginia and American blends include superior-quality, U.S. grown, flue-cured tobacco provided by USTC growers. Our American Blends also include sustainably sourced, high-quality, burley and Oriental tobaccos from traditional growing regions.
Our cigarette blenders handcraft blends that are sought after by discerning consumers in any market with a goal to exceed all expectations. We have teams of professionals in every segment of the process who welcome the opportunity to work with new clients in creating innovative cigarette products for export.